Hi Friends,
In Philippians 1:21, the Apostle Paul penned a profound sentence that should give everyone pause in a very positive way: he said, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
Everyone lives for something and everyone dies for something and so to me what Paul is saying could also be said this way: "If you are living for anything but Christ, to die is loss."
I believe to have the best life anytime is only possible through living for Christ always: that requires dying to some things (sins) in order to consistently and selflessly love God and others.
That's the focus of our current lesson series at Connections and we're fleshing that out in some tangible ways: namely pray, Bible study, worship and service.
The Christian life is not driven by a formula but by the Spirit of Christ and we are blessed with tons of joy as He leads: challenges are sure to come but greater character is sure to be built.
Pray and consider your personal engagement in our Vacation Bible School Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Team Expansion Ministry (Joe and Ashley Derry), Bread Ministry, Food Pantry Ministry, Free Store Ministry, Mid-India Christian Ministry (Jay Henry), Hands Against Hunger Ministry (A Child's Hope International), Life Forward Ministry, Matthew 25 Ministry, Olivia's Basket Ministry, and Community Engagement Ministries.
Our focus as Connections Christian Church is to be faithful in loving up (God) and loving out (others) in the Spirit of Christ: it's the best life now and when we die in Christ it will be even better in the future...and that's something to live for today, tomorrow, and forever.
In Philippians 4:13, the Apostle Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And we can too: Amen?
God's Peace with prayers for all to have an extra-blessed Summer,
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