Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Focus 17' - Momentum - Entry # 7

Hi Friends!

Imagine a work day where every colleague cared for one another with unconditional love? Imagine if every work day was fueled by compassion for one another? Imagine a week where the first concerns of all were for the welfare of others?

OK, pinch yourself and wake-up! Some people in the world actually live to advance their personal agenda at the expense of anyone in their path. Some people are only concerned with self-gain at all costs, even the cost of personal relationships.

But GOD! Yes GOD is greater than all our sins and His love never fails because at least ONE, God's only begotten Son,  never failed to have any debt but love. Question is will you be another? Will you be like Jesus and bring the unimaginable into reality?

Will you be one who loves even should others despise your integrity, mock your character, and look to cause you personal harm? That's a snapshot of what Jesus did on the cross for us and that is what He calls us to do for others.

Will you be one who loves your neighbors and co-workers as Jesus does?

God's Peace,

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Focus ' 17 Momentum - Entry # 6

Hi Friends!

With Summer in full season I want to thank the leadership of the church for a sabbatical of refreshing and renewal with the preaching ministry of the church! While my engagement in ministry continues to be filled with moments of service and praise, the opportunity to soak in some sermons from guest ministers and missionaries is a blessing for all!

It is amazing how the Lord works through the church to bring PEACE to All People in the world who choose to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord! The Bible describes this PEACE to be beyond our human understanding and that it is only available in the Person of Christ Jesus! It is a PEACE that reconciles All People with God and with one another!

  • Read Philippians 4 and "Rejoice in Jesus Always"
  • I'll say it again "Rejoice in Jesus Always"
  • And pray for our Guest Speakers to continue to bring PEACE to All People in Jesus

God's Peace and My Prayers,
