Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Hi Friends!

Each Lord's Day we gather to commune and remember the sacrifice of our Savior and Lord Jesus - Memorial Day is a National Holiday to remember the sacrifice of those who have protected that freedom - and many other freedoms that we continue to enjoy.

Memorial Day is also called Decoration Day - which reminds us to decorate the graves and remember the lives of those who have gone before us - these virtues are also honorable and pure and find their origin in Scripture where we are encouraged to remember not only Jesus but the faithful lives of His followers.

Sunday's 10:30 AM Worship Service at Connections Christian Church will center around these themes - remembering Jesus and honoring the lives of His faithful followers - we will honor many who have gone before us and several living among us and all who protect the freedom we enjoy to worship in the name of Jesus Christ.
I also encourage you to participate in the Memorial Walk in Madeira on Monday - may all be especially blessed and be a special blessing this Memorial Day Weekend - with our deepest gratitude for all those past, present, and future who protect the freedoms we enjoy in America!

God's Peace,
