Our lesson series leading up to Easter has been from the New Testament book of Romans and our key verse for Easter Sunday is Romans 8:1 "There is therefore (see Romans 7) now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
With that in mind I'm re-posting my blog entry from 03/01/19 and wish you all a very blessed Easter as we celebrate the victory over sin and death that ONLY JESUS gives to anyone who puts their faith and trust in Him.
Thank God that as Michael Card penned years ago: "Love Crucified Arose!"
God's Peace and my Prayers,
Easter awakens everyone in the world to the possibility of personal regeneration in Jesus.
Many will accept His absolute truth and His amazing grace and experience a miraculous and magnificent transformation in the quality of their lives.
Others will reject Him and experience less than the best God provides for their lives now as well as miss the opportunity of eternal joy and peace.
- ONLY JESUS can provide best outcomes for everyone in the world.
- You either believe that or you don't?
The Bible assures us there is no other name under heaven whereby mankind can be saved except the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).
To that end I hope all who read this blog this Easter season will choose to believe that only Jesus provides the best outcomes today, tomorrow, and forever.
There is some news so good that we look forward to hearing it again and again. The gospel - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - is such news. Thank you for sharing, and re-sharing.