Sunday, June 5, 2016

Focus ' 16 - LIFE ON MISSION - Entry # 5

Hi Friends!

Our Summer Sermon Series is "1 Big Happy Family" - the goal is not to guilt people out for their shortcomings - but to pump people up for possibilities for improving relationships in Christ!

Said another way - the idea is to identify practical Biblical ways to celebrate family life that will weather whatever challenges come - we won't turn a blind-eye but will look to focus on family fun!

Jesus prayed the above prayer for you - this is what Jesus desires for your family - He desires for all people to enjoy unity in faith, hope, and love!

That's the fun that's before us - I pray you will enjoy the journey this Summer as we celebrate family unity in Christ - and the greatest of these is love!

God's Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Simple to say, impossible for people to achieve on their own. With God, all things are possible - thank God!
