Monday, February 22, 2016

Focus '16 - LIFE ON MISSION - Entry # 3

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, 
so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 

2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV

Hi Friends!

With Spring on the horizon and Easter Celebrations fast approaching - our focus at Connections Christian Church is on Jesus who as deity became human like us - with the mission of bringing us back into a right relationship with God.

We will be discussing how Jesus came into our world of sin and death in order to give us a way out of it with a life of peace for eternity - our discussion will be theology to be lived not shelved - with the next chapters being the ones Jesus writes through those who choose to follow Him.

Don't be fooled by competing worldviews - Jesus is like no other - historically there are many great people, prophets, teachers, and leaders but none who transformed a crucifix from an instrument of horrific death to holistic Jesus.

Jesus lives to be your friend like no other - He is always faithful and His love never ever fails  - be careful to connect with Him this Spring and Easter Season by reading His gospels and discussing Him with others.

I am excited to witness the next chapters Jesus writes through your lives - continue to be blessed in Him and be a blessing to those you know, meet, and serve in His name and remember HE LIVES for all people to have a right relationship with God - don't be fooled...Jesus is a friend like no other!

God's Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Jeff.

    This reminds me of the old Andrae Crouch song:

    Jesus is the answer
    For the world today
    Above Him there's no other
    Jesus is the way

    to which I can only say "Amen!".
