Hi Friends!
Matthew (Levi) was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Once he was a despised tax collector, but his life was radically changed by Jesus. Matthew wrote this Gospel to his fellow Jews to prove beyond doubt that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah and Savior of the world) and to explain God’s Kingdom.
This Gospel forms the connecting link between the Old and New Testaments and is filled with Messianic language (“Son of David” is used throughout) and Old Testament references (53 quotes and 76 other references).
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17).
References: Matthew Henry Bible Commentary; NIV Study Bible and Commentary
References: Matthew Henry Bible Commentary; NIV Study Bible and Commentary
What does it look like for Jesus to fulfill the
Law and the Prophets through us (His Church)?
See last week's blog and listen to the lyrics of "Love Take Me Over" by Stephen Curtis Chapman. This continues to be my prayer for the church as we seek to go 1) deeper in the Word and 2) deeper in the world in the New Year!
God's Peace,
The world today is much different than it was to the Jews in the time of Jesus. Their lives were immersed in their religion - they did everything according to the scriptures they had. In modern times, our country was founded on a Biblical basis, but I think it has drifted far from that. People know Christians from parodies on TV and movies, not from knowing a person who has a relationship with Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think that's what it looks like for Jesus to fulfill the law and the prophets through His church - we get out and be a force for good in the world. Not being "nice", but speaking the truth in love. Showing both mercy and justice as Jesus did.
Another songwriter said
We need to take love into the streets
Be willing to turn the other cheek
We need to be strong
We need to be weak
We need to be Jesus to the world
That ties closely to Steven Curtis Chapman's
This is what I'm sure of, I can only show love
When I really know how loved I am
When it overtakes me, then it animates me
Flowing from my heart into my hands
This isn't possible through human power. It is only accomplished through each person getting off the throne of their lives and surrendering it to the King of Kings - Exalting God Only.