Saturday, November 23, 2013

ACTS of Kindness-Praying for Silver Saints

Hi Friends!

The above prayer was offered by the Apostle Paul in antiquity for the church and contextually from Romans 15 is relevant for unity and harmony and spiritual health in the church for eternity. To that end I am adopting this prayer for some members of Connections Christian Church during this season of Thanksgiving.

Specifically, I am asking you to join me in praying for our Silver Saints by inserting their name where the above text says you and then offering this prayer in entirety with Thanksgiving for their faithfulness to our Lord.

A suggested prayer schedule is listed below and can be printed by right-clicking on this page. If you would like a daily email contact me at and I will add you to a growing list of Christ-followers who are seeking to love others as God does.

Please accept my sincere apology and let me know if I inadvertently omitted one of our Senior members from the prayer schedule below. My heart is filled with gratitude this Thanksgivng for our Silver Saints...for your trust in God and your joy and peace and hope in His Spirit.

Happy Thanksgiving and God's Peace,

Monday November 25, 2013

Wanda Allman
Marlene Collier
Martha Downing

Tuesday November 26, 2013

Wanda Dunn
Richard Hiatt
Marlynn Hill

Wednesday November 27, 2013

Russ Hoffer
Joanna Jones
Nancy Langdon

Thursday November 28, 2013

Irv Maxwell
Mary Maxwell
Virginia McHargue

Friday November 29, 2013

Helen Nicholson
Vera Schmueszer
Larry Stivers

Saturday November 30, 2013

Wayne Spry
Gwen Spry
Glenn Vearil

Sunday December 1, 2013

Donna Weitzel
Floyd Wulfeck
Judy Wulfeck

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! I will be praying for these folks as you suggest.

    These folks have"been there and done that". They are not resting, though - they are still active and supporting our church. I pray that I will be like them as I grow older - they are true saints! Their hope is in the LORD, who renews their strength. They soar on wings like eagles; they run and do not grow weary, they walk and are not faint.

