Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 - Post # 1 - New YOU for a NEW YEAR

Hi Friends,

Welcoming 2019 knowing the world and our lives will be filled with opportunities as well as challenges that Christ alone can meet with compassion, assurance, hope, and good will - I encourage you to wrap your mind around the promise of 2 Corinthians 5:17 - the old is gone and the new is here in Christ: the new is here for You in the New Year in Christ!

Key components to an exceptional 2019 from my perspective - 1) Continual Prayer 2) Daily Bible Study 3) Communion with Christ 4) Fellowship with the Church 5) and an unwavering Commitment to nurturing your family in the faith that will move mountains - faith in Christ alone to continually create new life in all things: believing nothing is impossible with God!

  • Dream Big: make a list of things that seem impossible to you
  • Trust More: put those things in the hand of the One who makes all things new
  • Serve All: people everywhere need Jesus to be their Savior and Lord

God's Peace and my prayers,