Saturday, December 1, 2018

Focus December '18 - Be the LIGHT of CHRISTMAS

Hi Friends!

I can't remember a Christmas in my lifetime where "the light of the world" is in greater demand as the darkness in the world is supplied in so many forms and at such a furious pace - truth is each one of us has been drawn into darkness to varying degrees and lived in darkness to varying degrees as well - and reality is that one degree of darkness separates us from "the light of life" in whom there is no darkness at all.

The Good News is that all humanity is on equal ground in need of Christ and that is why I am always excited about Christmas - Christmas answers prejudice and pride with peace and purpose "for unto us a Savior is born and He is Christ the Lord" - the Christ of Christmas is the person who was born to save all people from sin and guide all people to right relationship with God and one another - anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord is positioned to "Be the Light of Christmas."

Receive "the light of Christmas" and "be the light of Christmas" to all you know and meet!

Merry Christmas and God's Peace,

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Focus November '18 - Thank God for People

Hi Friends!

Listen carefully and you will hear the world crying out from brokenness and dysfunction - which is all the more reason to celebrate this Thanksgiving Season by counting our blessings - and none more so than the gift of God's Son Jesus who speaks and shows us that ALL people are eternally valuable to God.

Continue to be blessed by God's goodness and to be a blessing by sharing His goodness with everyone - focus your thoughts and prayers and attitudes and actions on Praising God for People of every race and every nation and every neighborhood - let the love of Jesus be the unifying and healing gift for all relationships and let it begin with His Church. AMEN?

God's Peace and My Prayers,


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Focus Fall '18 - Called to Follow

Hi Friends!

Most of us use phones for everything but talking these days but all of us have answered the "call" to follow someone and our current sermon series explores why the smartest decision ANYONE can make is to follow JESUS!

Mark 1:14-20 New International Version (NIV)

14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.

19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

Following Jesus is about experiencing the best life now and the best life to come when life on earth comes to an end. Statistically speaking the probability that life will come to an end on earth for everyone is great which makes planning for the next life wise for all.

Jesus invites you to participate in His plan and to bring others with you to the place He has prepared for those who follow Him. Others make similar invitations but no one can deliver on the promise of perfect eternal peace in heaven save Jesus alone which is a great reason to follow Him. Amen?

God's Peace and my prayers,

Monday, June 25, 2018

FOCUS '18 - June - July - Unmovable

Hi Friends!

Staying tuned-in to a Christian worldview can be challenging in a world filled with loud, competing noise - our current sermon series is filled with practical applications that will not only help you filter the beat of popular culture with Biblical rhythm but you can expect measurable outcomes that will enhance your hearing and transform your heart and life - remember that "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6).

God's Peace and my prayers,

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Focus '18 - Pray Continually - May

Hi Friends!

Our current sermon series is focused on remaining stable in the midst of storms - our study is from the book of Daniel which speaks much and provides great insights into successfully managing many contemporary challenges that are common to most - I encourage you to read the book of Daniel and actively participate in all opportunities for fellowship, prayer, small groups, worship and service.

We will also be doing a deep-dive into "The Daniel Plan" - the tenets of this best-selling series is to encourage one another in a life fitness plan that is powered by faith and centered in good nutrition and exercise - the Bible assures us that the physical body is a gift from God to live a spirit-led life and we want to be sure we are aligned with God's will in all things.

The more we tap into God the more stable our lives will be in the storms!

God's Peace and my prayers,


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Focus '18 - Pray Continually - April

Hi Friends!

The above verses were written in the ancient past by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Church but are applicable for the Church today - I think most in the world would agree that some things are more important than other things - yet deciding what is of first importance in the world is a different matter.

Not so with the Church - the thing of first importance that everyone in the Church of the past, present, and future agrees about is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures - Christ unifies His Church with life.

As Spring Flowers blossom and Easter Lilies sprout keep in mind that the One who brought life from death is worthy of your first fruits - worthy of your best time, best talents, and best treasures - by giving of your best to Jesus the world will know that He is of first importance to you and His Church.

We've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus - be careful to live to be a blessing by sharing your victorious, abundant life in Christ Jesus with all in your sphere of influence - many things are important but nothing is more important than salvation in Christ.

God's Peace and my prayers,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Focus '18 - Pray Continually- March

Hi Friends!

The month of March leads us to springtime and the life giving assurance of Easter which fills our hearts with gratitude for the indescribable gift of Jesus!

The death of Jesus for our sins and His victorious resurrection from the grave not only standardizes all calendars for eternity but marks all life journeys with a choice.

  • One choice is a broad road with little resistance, but many potholes that lead to hopelessness, heartache, and destruction.
  • Another choice is a narrow road with lots of resistance, but with guidance from Jesus that leads to peace that is beyond human comprehension.

What we are talking about is a taste of heaven on earth that leaves us awestruck in anticipation of heaven.

Said another way, a personal relationship with Jesus on earth is so good now, one can only imagine what being with Him in heaven will be like later.

That's our focus leading up to Easter - inspired by a song and the story of the lead singer of the group Mercy Me - I Can Only Imagine is a destination maker of your choosing.

  • Heaven or Hell?
  • Hope or Hopelessness?
  • Healing or Heartache?

Tune-in, drill-down, saddle-up, and come along - you will receive more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine - simply by choosing Jesus this Easter and every day on your eternal calendar.

"For God so loved the world that He gave you the indescribable gift of His Son Jesus, so that by believing in Him you might be saved from sin and death, and experience eternal life and peace starting on earth now and continuing in heaven forever." (John 3:16 paraphrase by jhill).

God's Peace and my prayers,

Monday, January 1, 2018

Focus '18 - Pray Continually- January

Hi Friends!

Many people I know transition their calendar's from one year to the next with varying degrees of exhaustion. Admittedly, I speak to this point from some past personal experience myself, which is what inspires me in-part to partner in the 40 days of Prayer Campaign with Rick Warren and the Saddleback Church in California.

The mandate to "Pray Continually" ultimately originates from the Bible (I Thessalonians 5:17) and this campaign reminds us of the power that comes to us when we consistently engage in God's provision of continual communication with Him. In a very real way, the Bible teaches that whatever you place on your calendar through prayer, is always up for review in prayer.

Proverbs 16:3 says: 
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plan."

My conviction is to be certain that whatever I do in 2018 is continually being committed to the Lord in prayer. I am looking to be certain that my faith, fitness, and family are empowered through prayer for God's Glory. I am looking to refuel, retool, and relax in relationship with God and others in tangible and measurable ways.

If you would like to transition your daily calendar with decreasing exhaustion and increasing power and purpose, then I encourage you to participate in this 40 days of prayer campaign which will provide multiple insights and opportunities to Pray Continually, and to do life with an abundance of individual and collective energy in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus!!

Here are a few opportunities for your prayer calendar

  • Family Prayer Walks...Daily @ 6 PM
  • Family Prayers and Movies...Wednesday's @ 7 PM
  • Women's Prayer Groups and Bible Reflections...1st Thursday's @ 7 PM
  • Men's Prayer Groups and Bible Reflections...Saturday's @ 9 AM
  • Family Prayer Groups and Bible Reflections...Sunday's @ 9:15 AM
  • Children's Prayer Groups and Worship Services...Sunday's @ 10:30 AM
  • Adult Prayer Groups and Worship Services....Sunday's @ 10:30 AM

Our 2018 plan as Connections Christian Church is to fulfill the great commission of our Savior and Lord Jesus who instructs His Church to go into all parts of the world and make disciples of all people in all neighborhoods and all nations. We are committed to pray-out any and all distractions to that plan and to pray-in all the power of God into His plan for His Church.

I am pumped about opportunities to refuel, retool, and relax in the Lord and that's why I encourage everyone to be a part of empowering your faith, fitness, and family through continual prayer and by sharing in the 40 days of Prayer Campaign. No fees to pay or resolutions to break...just a life of prayer to be enjoyed!!

I am convinced that when each step we take is one in continual prayer, that our calendars and lives are 100% guaranteed by God's Word, to become far less exhaustive and increasingly more energized by God for His Glory...and so this is my continual prayer for Connections Christian Church and for all people in all neighborhoods and all nations in the New Year!!

God's Peace,