Each Lord's Day we gather to commune and remember the sacrifice of our
Savior and Lord Jesus - Memorial Day is a National Holiday to remember the
sacrifice of those who have protected that freedom - and many other freedoms
that we continue to enjoy.
Memorial Day is also called Decoration Day - which reminds us to decorate
the graves and remember the lives of those who have gone before us - these
virtues are also honorable and pure and find their origin in Scripture where we
are encouraged to remember not only Jesus but the faithful lives of His
Sunday's 10:30 AM Worship Service at Connections Christian Church will center around these
themes - remembering Jesus and honoring the lives of His faithful followers - we
will honor many who have gone before us and several living among us and all who
protect the freedom we enjoy to worship in the name of Jesus Christ.
I also encourage you to participate in the Memorial Walk in Madeira on Monday - may all be especially blessed and be a special blessing this Memorial Day
Weekend - with our deepest gratitude for all those past, present, and future who protect the freedoms we enjoy in America!
God's Peace,