Friday, March 27, 2015

Focus #15 - Be Ready - Entry #4

Hi Friends,
The Bible tells us (read James 2: 14-25) that faith in Jesus Christ without works is dead being alone - that faith alone is not sufficient for our relationship to be alive with God in Christ Jesus - the Bible says the devil has faith in God but is not working for God - the devil believes in God but his work is opposed to relationship with God.

Why do we work for God? - it is not to earn salvation through our works but to demonstrate our gratitude with grace for being saved from sin and death by the work of Christ alone - to follow Christ is to not only believe this truth but to do what He says to do with grace and gratitude for what He has done for us.

Most everyone who reads this blog has professed faith in the work of Jesus Christ - but are you doing what He asks you to do? - are you motivated to do what He asks you to do by grace and gratitude for what He has done and is doing for you?

A resurrected church is alive - it is a church that is deeply committed (read Matthew 28:16-20) to carry out the great commission of Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost - the motive of a living church to seek and save the lost is grace and gratitude for what Jesus has done and is doing in our lives.

The devil believes in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus but the devil's work is opposed to the work of Jesus - the devil is a great example of how faith in Jesus without works for Jesus results in a dead relationship with God - a relationship where one is eternally separated from God.

If the church is to have abundant life in relationship with God - we must increase our faith and our works in the person and power of Jesus Christ - (read Matthew 7:21-27) Jesus said wise people not only listen to what He has to say - wise people do what He says to do and live to tell the story of what He has done and is doing.

Easter is an awesome time to renew our faith in Jesus Christ - it is also an awesome time to renew our works in the person and power of Jesus Christ - faith without works is death sealed in a tomb and separated from God for eternity - faith with works of grace and gratitude is an open and empty tomb.

Faith with works of grace and gratitude in the person and power of Jesus Christ is a church that is alive and growing - it is a church that will never be separated from God because it is alive and growing in eternal relationship with Him - it is a church that lives to celebrate the open and empty tomb of its Savior and Lord.

Happy Easter and God's Peace,
