Sunday, May 11, 2014

Focus '14-Modeling Jesus-Entry #17

Hi Friends!

We're a couple of weeks into the series "Give Yourself Away" at Connections Christian Church and I'm grateful for your renewed desire and commitment (individually and collectively) to fulfill the commission of Christ Jesus.

As we have observed with increasing frequency over the past few weeks, there are many challenges in culture where healing can only be found in the saving truth and grace of our Savior and Lord. Our responsibility is to sacrificially share that truth and grace with a world in desperate need of peace.

To that end, the link below from Ravi Zacharias serves to address some of the challenges we face in our culture and I believe it will assist you in bringing the peace of Christ into the world in which we live. Please read it and reflect upon it and pray about how God would have you live in response to it.

Our son will have the opportunity to study with Ravi and other Christian Apologists for a week at Wheaton College later this summer. Please lift these spiritual leaders up in prayer as the world needs to experience peace and healing that is only found in Jesus and His teachings.

God's Peace,

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