Friday, November 1, 2013

Kingdom Initiative-My Hope America

Hi Friends!

History teaches that oftentimes the most profound teachings are afforded near the end of one's life as maturation and life experiences provide greater wisdom and conviction about that which matters most with respect to all other matters.

We've seen that in our current lesson series (The Kingdom Initiative) at Connections Christian Church as we have studied the Epistles of the Apostle John which he wrote near the end of his life as the elder statesman of the 1st Century Church.

In light of our studies we have been praying to be filled daily with the power of the Holy Spirit. Specifically, we have been asking the the Holy Spirit to empty us of our own agendas and empower us to be fully surrendered to God's agenda.

I John 4:4 tells us that the one living in Christians (the Holy Spirit) is greater than the one living in the world (the spirit of Satan) and will empower us to overcome evil and share the love of Christ with everyone in the world (God's agenda-initiative).

To that end, I encourage you to listen to Dr. Billy Graham on Thursday November 7, 2013 @ 10 PM EST on Fox News as he shares his wisdom and conviction about the "The Cross" and about Jesus Christ being the hope for America!

I believe the opportunity to hear Dr. Graham as a now elder statesman of the 21st century church who is nearing the end of his earthly life will inspire Christians to courageously love others as Jesus does through the power of the Holy Spirit living in us.

See the trailer below and if you miss the broadcast on Fox you can view it on-line or via a free DVD at the following link: Continued prayers for the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh to fulfill God's Iniatitive in the world.

God's Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Billy Graham has always impressed me as a Godly man. He doesn't carry with him all the trappings of show business. He allows God to empty him of Billy Graham, and to fill him with God. I'm looking forward to this presentation.

    The whole emptying and filling reminds me of John 3:30: "He must increase, but I must decrease." So easy to say, so hard to live out. In fact, it's impossible for us, and can only come through God's might and power.

    I am happy and thankful that it is not dependent on me.
