Sunday, November 13, 2016

Focus '16 Life on Mission - Entry # 10

Hi Friends!

Leading through Thanksgiving and into Christmas can be a very special time - it's a time when the competing worldviews of Christianity and secular humanism can collide in a very positive way - it's a time when most regardless of their worldview can count their blessings and share sacrificially and often generously with others with a spirit of joy.

It's in the spirit of these seasons that I want to encourage people to "Reboot Now for Next Year" - to use these seasons not as a time to stress secondary to seasonal demands but to refresh with readiness for your next steps heading into a new year - I'm not asking you to make resolutions in November or December but to prayerfully plan your participation in your life journey heading into January 2017.

Here's what I have in mind -

Week one - an invitation to explore personal Christianity

Week two - an invitation to engage potential Opportunities

Week three - an invitation to empower past Barriers

Week four - an invitation to expand peripheral Vision

I hope these seasons and this sermon series will serve to bless you as you bless others - I hope this is a time you can Reboot your relationship with Jesus and in doing so share His light and love with those you meet with a different worldview - I hope this is a time that leaves you with a resolute plan to explore, engage, empower, and expand your personal worldview now for next year.

"May God bless you all. Yes, I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give each of you his fullest blessings, and his peace in your hearts and lives" (Philippians 1:2 LB).

God's Peace,


1 comment:

  1. I like the idea - a refresh, seeing things with new eyes, booting us out of old habits (a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out).
