Friday, January 1, 2016

Focus '16 - LIFE ON MISSION - Entry #1

Hi Friends!

The 2016 focus of Connections Christian Church is to live the best life possible - and to help others to live the best life possible - we believe that the best life possible is lived in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

You might be homeless or You might be the most successful business person in your city?

You might be single or You might be married or You might be divorced?

You might be a teen or You might be a senior?

You might be this race or that race or You might be a kaleidoscope of races?

Whatever your nationality and whatever your circumstances - however good or however challenging your life has been or is in the moment - our conviction is that the best available life today and in the future is in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are looking for light and life to trump darkness and death - I encourage you to connect with others and check-out LIFE ON MISSION - the life God has for you in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is better than you can even imagine!!

May God's Peace be Yours in 2016 and Always,


1 comment:

  1. God is with us (or available to us) all the time. The choice is ours: busy-ness or peace? Panic or calm? Rush or blessed assurance?

    Looking forward to the series.
